Monday, December 1, 2008

Silly Toddler - Aunika Marie

Well, having a toddler is something else. When they start to talk and communicate you are amazed at what they say and do. When we first starting seeing if Aunika could talk we would prompt her what to say. She proceeded to, as any good child would, to repeat what we said. Now she is getting to the point where she does not need prompting and she tells us things, and just talks to herself all the time.

We were all decorating the Christmas tree, when Aunika was carrying something. She dropped part of what she was carrying and immediately said "whoops". Brett and I looked at each other in laughter and amazement that she knew to respond to dropping something by saying whoops! How do they know what to say? Either it was instinct or she has seen or heard one of us say whoops when we have dropped something. I say it is a good thing we don't use foul language around here otherwise that word could have been something else.

She has also developed a favorite word. She goes around the house calling people and things we do "silly" and fake laughing after that... you have to see it to really understand how this one word can be over used!!

About Me

Married to Brett Moser the love of my Life, we now have three wonderful girls. Aunika and Alayna; whom keep us very busy.

Our Girls

Our Girls