I don't' know if it is possible to feel overwhelmed and blessed at the same time. That is exactly how I feel right now. There is a couple that we ref volleyball with who keep giving us stuff. That is stuff for our kids. It started out just with clothes, then a few toys, and now they gave us a toddler bed, highchair, and numerous other items that are very expensive. This is a blessing, for the daycare I am trying to start and for the next baby that is on the way (due in 2 months).
God sure has a way of working out your needs, and beyond your needs sometimes. There are so many items, I honestly don't know where we are going to put them all! Oh, I know what a bad thing to have right. It is not bad it is wonderful to have been given so much and have to find a place for it all.
May you find yourself as blessed as we have in the receiving of gifts from others.
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